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quinta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2012

o blog se foi

oi gnt hj é minha ultima postagem vou lhes dar um novo código de uma camisa de guitarra
mmcode12 mmcode13 mmcode11 o 13 e o 11 são de moedas

domingo, 13 de novembro de 2011


oi gnt se vcs conseguirem me achar sem me add no club penguin ganhara um autografo meuaqui no blog e poderá ser postador vai ser igual a achar um personagem eu só vou estar on na festa de natal e dia 24 no proximo post vou vou mostrar umas coisas que darei para quem conseguir

coloque a roupa no pinguin

Olá pessoas!
vou postar agora os códigos do livro azul,para vocês consultarem.os livros estão na ordem da imagem:

Ultimate official guide of club penguin
Página código
Página 9 - Sometimes
Página 35 - Misses
Página 38 - Scavenger
Página 40 - Examples
Página 62 - Picture
Página 63 - How
Página 64 - Fishing
Página 65 - Storage
Página 71 - Seats
Página 71 - Musical
Página 73 - Search
Página 75 - Tossing
Página 77 - Buying
Página 101 - Donated
Página 117 - Jerseys
Página 118 - Squads
Página 140 - Breeze
Página 141 - Combined
Página 143 - Secret
Página 155 - Queen
Página 156 - Small
Página 169 - Start
Página 171 - Annual
Página 175 - Crown
Página 176 - Item
Página 179 - Penguins
Página 182 - Actions

Stoaway!adventures at sea!
Página 6 - Mysterious
Página 21 - Migrator
Página 25 - Yarr
Página 40 - Waterfall
Página 52 - Deck
Página 80 - Penguin

Star reporter
Página 5 - Inside
Página 7 - Staff
Página 6 - Printed

The Inventor’s Apprentice
Página(palavra) código
5(5) - Good
5(4) - Board
6(5) - Plans
6(7) - Extreme
7(2) - Find
7(7)- Where
8(7) - Round

Secret Agent Handbook
Página(palavra) código
5(6) - Give
5(3) - Fashions
5(4) - Decides
5(4) - Matter

Star reporter

Página 5 - Inside
Página 7 - Staff
Página 6 - Printed

The official stage playbook

Página(palavra) código
3(5) - Flipper
3(2) - Acting
3(5) - Bright
3(7) - Show

Respostas do Livro "Card Jitsu: Handbook"

Olá Pinguins!
Você ganhará o livro azul do club Penguin ou 2000 moedas do Cp ...
"Card-Jitsu Handbook"

Você deve ir até a página para Desbloquear Itens, escolher a opção "Eu tenho um Livro", e ir até o ultimo livro que aparece na "lista".
Em seguida, basta conferir a resposta da pergunta que o Club Penguin lhe fez.

Perguntas e Respostas:

What word is on page 3, 9 words from the left on line 3? requires

What word is on page 4, 8 words from the left on line 2? footsteps

What word is on page 5, 3 words from the left on line 1? appear

What word is on page 6, 8 words from the left on line 6? water

What word is on page 7, 8 words from the left on line 1? ancient

What word is on page 9, 5 words from the left on line 5? teach

What word is on page 11, 5 words from the left on line 4? strongest

What word is on page 12, 8 words from the left on line 2? opponent

What word is on page 14, 11 words from the left on line 3? different

What word is on page 14, 11 words from the left on line 4? blue

What word is on page 16, 12 words from the left on line 6? move

What word is on page 16, 3 words from the left on line 4? glow

What word is on page 18, 9 words from the left on line 3? of

What word is on page 20, 12 words from the left on line 8? belts

What word is on page 22, 12 words from the left on line 6? maze

What word is on page 24, 11 words from the left on line 8? challenge

What word is on page 25, 12 words from the left on line 3? pillow

What word is on page 26, 1 word from the left on line 3? bowing

What word is on page 26, 9 words from the left on line 3? respect

What word is on page 30, 1 word from the left on line 5? element

What word is on page 34, 8 words from the left on line 2? proud

What word is on page 34, 3 words from the left on line 4? trials

What word is on page 36, 1 word from the left on line 5? card

What word is on page 36, 4 words from the left on line 3? freezes

What word is on page 36, 12 words from the left on line 4? predict

What word is on page 40, 7 words from the left on line 7? knowledge

What word is on page 40, 10 words from the left on line 5? examine

What word is on page 42, 7 words from the left on line 7? snowball

What word is on page 46, 3 words from the left on line 2? impressed

What word is on page 46, 10 words from the left on line 6? memory

What word is on page 48, 9 words from the left on line 2? off-line

What word is on page 48, 13 words from the left on line 5? ninja

What word is on page 50, 1 word from the left on line 3? end

What word is on page 50, 3 words from the left on line 2? water

What word is on page 52, 7 words from the left on line 2? chill

What word is on page 54, 1 word from the left on line 2? bundle

What word is on page 56, 1 word from the left on line 3? next

What word is on page 56, 1 word from the left on line 5? pink

What word is on page 56, 6 words from the left on line 6? logic

What word is on page 58, 11 words from the left on line 2? defeated

What word is on page 62, 10 words from the left on line 2? stamps

What word is on page 62, 12 words from the left on line 2? playing

What word is on page 66, 2 words from the left on line 6? haikus

What word is on page 66, 8 words from the left on line 4? tackle

What word is on page 66, 8 words from the left on line 5? puzzle

What word is on page 66, 9 words from the left on line 2? bravely

What word is on page 66, 10 words from the left on line 6? something

What word is on page 68, 2 words from the left on line 6? pride

What word is on page 68, 7 words from the left on line 4? thrill

What word is on page 68, 8 words from the left on line 2? match

What word is on page 72, 2 words from the left on line 3? giant

What word is on page 72, 5 words from the left on line 2? power

What word is on page 72, 6 words from the left on line 3? pretty

What word is on page 72, 10 words from the left on line 3? time

What word is on page 74, 10 words from the left on line 2? skills

What word is on page 74, 11 words from the left on line 3? worthy

What word is on page 76, 2 words from the left on line 6? practicing

What word is on page 76, 4 words from the left on line 4? guide

What word is on page 76, 7 words from the left on line 5? mountains

What word is on page 76, 9 words from the left on line 2? is

What word is on page 76, 9 words from the left on line 3? intense